10 Organizations That Promote Cognitive Web Accessibility

I have created a list of ten organizations that promote Web accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities. Of those in the list, the following are a few I believe have recently engaged in related activities (guidelines publication, Web site creation, conference presentations, training provision, etc.).

Organizations Recently Active


  • If you know of an organization not included in the list of ten, please create a comment that includes the organization’s Web address.
  • I plan to expand the list of promoters to include individuals. That will be the subject of a future blog post.

6 thoughts on “10 Organizations That Promote Cognitive Web Accessibility

  1. For what it’S worth, if you’re interested in non-english speaking organizations as well, we at AccessibilitéWeb (www.accessibiliteweb.com) have developed some expertise in cognitive disabilites by recruiting a cognitive ergonomics expert and by training him in web accessibility. This resource can therefore apply WCAG requirements in his every day job, but with a special focus on cognitive disability best practices.

    1. Thank you, Denis, for your comment.

      Yes, I am interested in any organization, regardless of language, that promotes cognitive Web accessibility.

      I am delighted that AccessibilitéWeb has developed relevant expertise. I would love to learn more about that.

      For some time now, I have been aware of your interest in this area. I appreciate it and your related efforts.

  2. Seems like the ArcLink is closing down (or has already closed down. . .).

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